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In the Begining


In the Beginning.....

PTSD999 was set up in 2015 by friends Gary and Simon, both of whom served within the Military and Public Sector.


As a result of their duties both have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


They realised that there wasn't any widely available accessible support for those serving, or who had served, within the Emergency Services, and their families, living with PTSD.

So they set about creating an organisation that could provide support, source and fund treatment, training and raise awareness of the impact PTSD has on a persons life.

PTSD999 has been operating as a not-for profit social enterprise since formation.

We are committed to supporting our Emergency Service workers and our aim is to ensure that awareness of PTSD within the Emergency Services grows and the Stigma associated with it, and other mental health conditions, is broken. 

You are not alone on this journey


Meet the driving force behind PTSD999. 


Our dedicated, passionate team all have a connection with the Emergency Services, through service or as a family member of someone serving or having served, or have personal lived experience of PTSD.

We actively listen and are non-judgemental

Talk with someone that understands


Dedication, Passion, Knowledge & Lived Experience

Please meet our dedicated and passionate team

We are committed to raising awareness of PTSD and other Mental Health conditions.
We want to empower employers and employees with the skills, knowledge and training to support their workforce and peers. 
Our range of courses include established and proven programmes from organisations such as Mental Health First Aid England, LivingWorks, National Centre for Suicide Prevention, Education and Training. 


Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training course which teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.

MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.

You’ll learn to recognise warning signs of mental ill health, and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe.

You’ll also learn how to empower someone to access the support they might need for recovery or successful management of symptoms. This could include self-help books or websites, accessing therapy services through their GP, their school or place of work, online self-referral, support groups, and more.


What’s more, you’ll gain an understanding of how to support positive wellbeing and tackle stigma in the world around you.


Training can be delivered in various ways:


Face to face over two days (Full Course) 


Online over 2 days (Full Course)

Online courses which can be delivered in shorter sessions over a longer period (ideally not less than 4 x 4 hr sessions over a two week period). 

All delegates that complete the course are eligible to take the RSPH Level 3 Award


If you wish to know any further information, pricing or to book please use the enquire button below. 

*This Training is delivered by an Mental Health First Aid England approved Instructor from our official training provider - L.E.T.S 


  • MHFA Fully Funded Courses for Emergency Services (England)
    MHFA Fully Funded Courses for Emergency Services (England)
    Various Available
    Various Available
    Various Available
    2 day course Mental Health First Aid Course , divided into four evening sessions to add flexibility to those working shifts.You can pick and choose which of the sessions you can attend e.g Session 1 and 2 (Course 1) and Session 3 and 4 (Course 3) but all sessions must be completed in numerical order
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


" I thought the Presentation was delivered by the right people with personal experience that came across as very real, raw and honest. I would recommend this to all emergency services."

Anonymous Prison Officer - February 2023


Our Clients

" I think all staff should attend this session. This could help them see signs in others and also spread awareness ."

Scottish Forensic Services

Jan 2023

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Want to Help?

Donations and Fundraising 

An Opportunity to Help

As a charity we don't receive

any government funding.


Our revenue is generated by our training and Awareness packages and the dedication and support of our followers who fundraise and donate whenever possible.

Whether it be sitting in a bath of cold baked beans for 24 hours to climbing Everest we want to know so we can support you supporting us and our Emergency Services.

If you have a Physical Challenge Event you want to host then please contact our official partners at Go Beyond Sport